Institute's Security Course Enrollment Continues To Grow

Expanding the cybersecurity ecosystem through graduate and undergraduate education is core to the institute's mission. In 2023, the institute continued to offer a strong slate of courses in security and privacy, including System Defense and Test; Reverse Engineering, Exploit Analysis, and Capability Development; Advanced Digital Forensics; Internet Law & Policy; Introduction to Computer & Network Security; Internet Law & Policy; Secured Distributed Systems; Digital Forensics; Computer Crime Law; Introduction to Computer & Network Security; Reverse Engineering & Vulnerability Analysis; and Applied Cryptography.

As in the past, five industry experts at The MITRE Corporation in Bedford, MA taught the course Cyber Effects.

The Machine Learning Applied to Child Rescue course continues to be unique and deserves special mention. The goal of the course is to build practical machine-learning models to be used by professionals dedicated to rescuing children from exploitation. The course focuses on crimes involving the distribution of text, images, and videos pertaining to the abuse of minors.